Props Table
With the Props Table, you can display a table of component props.
This is how it looks:
Name | Type | Default | Description |
text | string | – | The text that's being displayed |
size? | 'small' | 'large' | 'extralarge' | 'large' | Size of the component |
Manually Defined Props
import { PropsTable } from '@republik/docs'
name: 'someProp',
type: 'string',
required: true,
defaultValue: 'one',
description: 'Some prop',
name: 'anotherProp',
type: 'boolean',
required: false,
defaultValue: 'false',
description: 'Another prop',
Generated Props
When you append ?props
to an import of a TSX file which exports React components, its props are automatically extracted in the format that PropsTable
import componentProps from 'components/my-component.tsx?props'
import { PropsTable } from '@republik/docs'
<PropsTable props={componentProps.MyComponent} />
You can't use the identifier props
when importing, as it will be overwritten by nextra. I.e. this won't work:
// This won't work:
import props from 'components/my-component.tsx?props'
// This will work:
import myProps from 'components/my-component.tsx?props'